Battling weigh loss and being overweight is something many of us are facing. There are lots of options to help, we know that for sure. However, there is no assurance about how much such stuff can effect our health. Well, if you are looking to know how to use red light therapy at planet fitness then here is everything that you need!
Well, Red light therapy at planet fitness via using a vibrating device which can help in achieving the Weight loss by increasing collagen secretion in the body. The complete process completed by using an enhancement device for the body. For results, you have to use the device according to the time given.

At planet fitness, you have to follow the basic techniques for achieving the results that you want. Its recommend sticking with the given rules as it will help you in getting the results. The red light therapy proved its efficiency as there are lots of people who got the positive results and it also helped in losing the unwanted fat from the body.
How red light therapy works at planet fitness:
Well, there are super easy procedures that need to follow. Here are the steps that are requiring when you are going for red light therapy at planet fitness:
- The device of red light therapy is installed on your body, mostly covering the fat part which includes belly, thigh, and waist.
- As well as Laser Acupuncture Pens Also works for your body weight loss in a healthy way.
- Then the level of the device is set according to your skin heat tolerance limit. Mostly it takes 5 to 20 minutes
- By the device, your body collagen starts producing more. And with the help of vibration, the rate will speed up which help in using the extra fat on your body.
- The instructor will do the necessary procedure and instruct so you can use it for the another part
- Well, using the device on a daily basis will help you in controlling the fat. It’s much more speedy process and takes less time to gain the body you want as compared to following another procedure in fat burning.
Well, what is the best part of the complete thing is you don’t have to go anywhere for losing the fat. You can do it at your own and Joovv light panel will help you in saving your time. Joovv Light panel is specially designed considering all clinical potency; also the device is made to the people can do the whole procedure at their won without going anywhere. It does not only to make the entire thing convenient and comfortable, but the fat burning process can do according to the way you like. However, for that, you have to use the device every day around 4 – 5 minutes.
Why Joovv light therapy panel?
Joovv light therapy comes with the shape of rectangular and covering the area approx. 4 feet x 2.5 feet which help in doing the treatment by taking the large section of the body? Well, different devices are various but they mostly available in small size which hardly covers the fat burning area.

The thing is, such a device takes more time and deliver less effective results. In Joovv light therapy is equipped with 150 arrays of LEDs covering different wavelength, i.e., 660nm, 850 nm and a combination of both depend on your choice. Also, there is a polyethylene panel with rear fans which is designed to keep the array cool. It also helps in boosting the bulb’s lifespan.
You can easily use the panel, hang it anywhere you like. Also, you are getting pulley device so you can have the right height. Also, you get 10-foot power cord with three prongs. Apart from that, it comes with a timer and goggles for protecting your eyes.
It’s easy to understand the panel as the complete panel is user-friendly. You don’t have to put it or hang it, instead of that plugin power to the nearest socket. However, it’s important to make sure that your skin is clean before you go for the therapy. As your skin will absorb the light as well as heat and for that, your skin should be chemical free or direct free. For the best results, you have to use this panel for at least three or six weeks.
Here is what you are going to get in red light therapy- What are the benefits that you must know
Well, there are lots of things where red light therapy helps a lot. Not just that, the treatment is also extremely beneficial for different issues related to skin, eyes, fat burning, etc. For knowing better here is a list of things which will help you in understanding more about what does red light therapy do:
#1 Boost in the production of collagen and skin-repairing
Red light therapy can be beneficial when it comes to skin repairing. Also, it helps in boosting up the collagen, Apart from that it also helps in:
- If you want to have clear skin, tone and also want to maintain texture, red light therapy can be the best option. As it helps in doing all that thing
- It is also good for making the stretch marks or scars fade away
- According to the studies, light therapy can help in reducing skin issues like inflammation also it impacts on sebum production
#2 improves hair growth, thickness and make it shiner
However, lots of people fear that it can cause hair to grow in some different place. Well, there are no such things. The light therapy only improves the follicle hair activities which make the hair thick, much shiny and also boost the growth.
#3 Helps in metabolism optimization and improves energy level
The red light therapy holds the capabilities of developing the energy level. Apart from that, it is also good for melting the extra fat by improving the metabolism optimization in the body. Also, it’s a good option for those who tried almost everything to get rid of excess fat, but they have not got any positive results. Red light therapy can help you to get the results you are looking for.
#4 Support fast recovering and healing
Red light therapy helps in stimulating ATP production which helps in restoring, maintaining, asking your body to energize, and also repairs. Not just that, it also helps in many other ways such as:
- It helps in reducing the pain or discomfort that usually happen in joints, back or neck
- It also helps in healing the wound
- It also boosts up the recovery related to muscle
- For those who want to enhance their athletic performance.
#5 Good for thyroid and issues related hormones
For those who have issues like thyroid and hormones, red light therapy can help in improving. Well, the thyroid is one of those things that affects man and women both. However, for getting complete recovery, the light therapy can help. Not just that, according to the recent research there is some evidence which also points out that the therapy can be useful for boosting the men’s testosterone production

Everything that you need to know about what is red light therapy tanning
Well, different people have different kind of skin complexions. The range starts from pale white, olive, fair to black skin. However, the skin type depends on the different factors including the location as well as the genes. Lots of people like to have complete fair skin as it looks good and also attracts lots of eyes. Well, the scientific term says that people carry melanin which is responsible for the color change, but it also protects the skin from damages like skin cancer.
So if you are not interested in exposing your skin to the Sun instead of that you are opting for red light therapy tanning, then here are the points that you must remember!
- Get your skin test done :
It’s important to understand that skin tanning means your skin is going to face heat which can also cause some major issues. However, understand about your skin can help you in knowing how much heat can your skin tolerate. Well there are lots of options that you can choose for knowing the answer, such as:
- a) There are online queries by which you can test your skin
- b) Aloes there are lots of salons where you can know about your skin type and get your tolerance level
- c) If not that, you can also do that by exposing your skin it sun and observe how much time does it take for starting the tanning process
- d) The safe option, as well as the most recommends option, is or ask your dermatologist.
- Don’t forget to exfoliate and shave
For getting the best results, first, you have to exfoliate your skin so the dead skins can remove completely. After that, it also requires shaving as there will be no hairs left on your skin. The clearer your skin is, the better the tanning results you will get.
- Avoid tyrosine contents in products
Lots of people use skin tanning products where the tyrosine’s amount is quite high. Well, the chemical use for darkening the skin much faster which also lead to some major skin issues. However, there is no explanation of how skin will react or how much side affects you can face.
- Don’t skip the bath
Before you start the tanning process, its essential take a shower as it will help your skin to relax. Also the impurity, dirt, chemicals, etc. will remove while bathing. It’s crucial not to skip the bath, as it will reduce the chances of any skin of skin allergies or infections in the future. Also, you can take a shower once you tanning process does. It will help in keeping the temperature of the skin healthy.
- Protect your eyes
Buy goggles for your eyes as it will protect your eyes while the tanning process is going. However, swimming goggles will also help, and it will assist in avoiding eyes irritation like issues
- Use lip moisturizer
Not just your eyes need protection, but also your lip requires something, so the skin doesn’t get dry. That’s why you have to apply moisture on your lips to keep the skin hydrated. As you are, lips are the most sensitive skin that requires extra hydration and moisture, so it doesn’t lead crack. You can go for the best lip balm you have as the chemicals will work as a shield.
- Protect your scalp
Another most sensitive part is your hair scalp, before you start your red light therapy tanning, make sure you wear a shower cap and cover your head completely. It will protect the scalp and also avoid heat to harm your hair. Also, the shower scalp will keep the scalp dryness, and it will be hydrate because you have taken a bath so the hair will be wet.
- Understand the terms of tanning
Well, there is two type of tanning, first is natural and the second one is using the bed. Both options have its plus points, whereas natural tanning can occur more damages. So when you decide to choose your option, make sure you are aware of the complete procedure.
You can use red light therapy at home: here is what you should know
If you are not interested in going for a salon or somewhere else for these therapies then don’t worry, you can do it at your home as well. For knowing how to use red light therapy at home, here is everything that will help you
Before you start, it crucial to understand that there are different types that area has not just in devices but also in the light as well. Different things have its effect, and for that, you have to understand their application as well.
What are the differences between red light, blue light or green light?
For getting the better results, make sure you understand different lights in the therapy and what use is for what. However, there are most commonly used lights for therapy is red, blue and green. Well, whereas red light highly recommends for fat burning, weight losing, skin treatments, etc. Blue and green are better performed when it comes to skin. Blue light helps in reducing inflammation and also eliminating propionibacterium acne which causes acne on the skin. On another hand, Greenlight helps in the calming skin and also helps in balancing the tones of your skin. Also, these lights come with different tools which can be in the form of the mask, the wand, etc.
However different application has their different use and steps that require in performing. For how does red light therapy work, first you should be aware of the step that you have to consider. If you are using the tools like mask or wands for face or another body area, then here are the steps that you can follow:
Step 1: before you start the process, make sure you clean your face and apply the product which can help in protecting the skin. Don’t skip clarifying toner or if you have acne, use the cream for it. Also for skin aging, use vitamin C serum.
Step 2: Get your machine and turn it on. Before that, choose the mode that suits you. However different machines have its therapy options to choose from. So make sure you know different modes and what will be the results
Step3: massage the area slowly for 5 minutes. For getting better results, use it slow and cover the most area. If you are going for large areas which include legs or backside, keep the massage for 15 minutes.
Well if you are buying a panel for the red light therapy, then you should follow the basic steps. The panel comes with a cord that can easily install anywhere you like. You also get the device for hanging so find the suitable place where you want to hang it. The cord makes it easy to put the panel anywhere without worrying about if you get switch near or not.
After you get the first thing done, the next step is to stand there for the fixed time of period. However, make sure to take a bath before you go for the procedure. It’s important to get clear skin as it eliminates chances of any skin risk. After you do, the next step is to take a bath one more time. So your skin can maintain its normal temperature. Use it for 3 or 4 weeks; divide it according to your requirement.
What else you need to know about red light therapy:
Red light therapy is still very new for lots of people. However, the therapy s effective but people are not extremely aware of what they should do and when. Also, there are lots of questions in peoples mind when they decide to go with the therapy. Well here are a few things that you must know as it will help you to understand the whole concept much better
What you need to do before you go for the therapy?
Nothing is needed before you start the procedure apart from the few basic things. It’s also important to understand that skin is one of the most sensitive parts of the body. If you are going for face therapy, avoid wearing any makeup, instead of that use some basic serum for things like acne or aging. If you are going for full body treatment that is basically for skin tanning or fat burning, do take a bath. Also, make sure you clean your skin completely. It helps in preventing any skin damage and also boosts the result.
- Red light therapy is safe or not?
Well, one of the biggest concern of the people when it comes to light therapy is – safety. Red light therapy is completely safe for everyone. For understanding why it’s safe, it’s important to know how it works in the first place. The light penetrates the skin tissue without hurting or causing pain. The light energized and help in stimulating which make the body to recover fast. Also, it boosts up the metabolism which helps in melting the skin far away.
- When to do: how often red light therapy
The red light therapy is not for occasionally; it’s more like commitment. The better easiest depends on how long you attended the sessions. There are lots of people who go for one or two times, and they want result fast. The therapy is effective, but for that it requires time. It recommends continuing the session for 3, 4 or 12 weeks. During the sessions, your body will start stimulating the blood circulation and the collagen production will increases. They help in removing any skin pigmentation and burn the extra fat which makes your body overweight.
- How far will the result last?
Another question that people gave, well the result ultimately depends on the length of treatment you attended. Also, skin is one of the dynamic processes. It takes time to get a better result, but if there is something like a natural problem or something, then you can repeat the process of getting the result back.
- What to know before buying a device for your home
Before you start your hunt for where to buy red light therapy, it’s important to understand what to look when you are buying red light therapy for your home. There are different things that you need to understand. However, it starts with basic such as choose the right strength in energy and wavelength which decide if the light will be able to do penetrate the skin.
Especially, consider the wavelength as one of the most important factors as it has their benefits. After that, another part to focus on is the energy output which helps you in understanding how much power does your device can generate. It’s also important to know as you can understand how much your skin cell is going to observe the heat. Last but not least, Transfer time will help in identifying the exact time of delivering the energy of your red light therapy device.